In the new show “I’ll Be Right There,” Edie Falco plays a woman who is getting divorced and questioning her sexuality. Here’s your first look at the show.

In the upcoming family comedy I’ll Be Right There, Edie Falco plays a mom who is exploring the next chapter of her life and her sexuality.

In an exclusive clip shared with Us Weekly before the film’s premiere on Friday, September 6, Falco’s character, Wanda, unexpectedly runs into her ex-husband, Henry (played by Bradley Whitford), while she’s in bed with her new love interest, Sophie (played by Sepideh Moafi), who is a woman.

Henry, with their three youngest kids, asks Wanda if she’s always been a lesbian after Sophie quickly leaves the awkward situation. Wanda responds that it’s something new for her.

As Wanda tries to change the subject by commenting on how much Henry’s kids are growing up, her ex keeps pressing her about her recent change in sexual identity.

Henry asks Wanda if she ever slept with Cindy, their neighbor who lived behind them, and whom they used to lie in the sun with and put lotion on each other. When Wanda says no, Henry responds, “That’s too bad.”

Wanda sarcastically remarks that it seems like Henry wanted to sleep with Cindy Asher, and Henry avoids answering directly.

Directed by Brendon Walsh and written by Jim Beggarly, I’ll Be Right There is a funny and touching story about a woman figuring out her life now that her kids are grown, her divorce is final, and she’s starting a new chapter. While Wanda deals with her sick mother, her 8-month-pregnant daughter, Sarah, and her troubled son, Mark, she’s also trying to focus on herself for a change.

This includes exploring a romantic relationship with a woman, even though Wanda is also dating a bar owner named Marshall and getting to know a friendly firefighter named Albert. Her family and friends have some questions about this.

Henry asks Wanda in the teaser if her boyfriend, Marshall, knows she’s sleeping with a woman. This question makes Wanda come up with excuses for not being honest with Marshall.

Wanda says she hasn’t told Marshall yet because he broke his wrist a month ago and is very depressed since he can’t play basketball or baseball. She plans to wait until his wrist heals before she tells him.

I’ll Be Right There will be in some theaters on Friday, September 6, and will also be available on demand.

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