A cat with severe injuries and multiple broken bones in his face needs your help to recover.

Cat Tales was searching for street cats for their TNR program and noticed an emaciated cat, Santo, who from a distance appeared to also have a serious upper respiratory infection. However, when they approached the feline they noticed his disfigured face and knew he had to be in excruciating pain.

Rescuers recalled, “He was very skinny when we found him so we didn’t know how long it had been since he had eaten.” He wouldn’t have survived much longer on the streets.

Santo was rushed to a local veterinary clinic for emergency surgery to repair the numerous broken bones in his face and jaw.

The rescue’s first concern was for Santo and once he was getting the medical care he needed, they reached out to Greater Good Charities’ Emergency Animal Medical Fund to help cover the costly surgery and ongoing care.

anto has endured so much pain, but he doesn’t let his past impact his sweet personality. He’s in good hands now and his caretakers shared, “He is a gentle soul that loves attention and a sunny spot.”

It will be a long road to recovery as his bones heal and his body finally gets the nutrition it needs.

He’s currently on a feeding tube and will slowly be introduced to food once his body has healed. Santo deserves a chance to be loved by a family and experience the good things in life.

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