This touching story about a tiny, newborn kitten is really heartwarming. Even though he faced a tough beginning and lots of problems, this little fighter never stopped chasing his dreams.
Mouse was found all alone in the middle of the road right after he was born. There was no mom or brothers or sisters around. But someone nice found him and gave him to a woman who became his loving mom.
Mouse was hurting a lot, so he went straight to the vet, where they also fed him through a tube.
After checking him over, the vet decided to take out Mouse’s eye with surgery. It was a hard choice because Mouse was so young, but he made it through the surgery okay.
As Mouse got older, he faced more problems like coccidia, hookworms, and conjunctivitis, along with other issues. It was a hard time, with him needing almost three surgeries and lots of treatments to get better.
Bit by bit, Mouse started feeling better as his determination to stay alive was stronger than anything else. He turned into a happy and playful cat, spreading love everywhere he went.
Mouse wasn’t supposed to make it, but he kept fighting harder and harder. His mom sees him as a real inspiration. She says:
“Mouse’s love for life inspired me. It makes me want to keep him going for as long as he wants.”
Even though Mouse still has lots of fights ahead, hopefully, he’ll come out on top and get to enjoy a happy life, finally getting the chance to do well.