After being hurt badly by some kids in the neighborhood, a stray cat was adopted by a woman who really wanted to give her a loving home.

Meow Meow, a kind stray cat from Florida, got left behind when her family moved. But the neighbors took care of her. She became everyone’s favorite cat in the neighborhood, enjoying pets and cuddles from everyone.

“The Humane Society of Tampa Bay wrote on Facebook that she would come by for pets. If someone was feeling sad, she’d gently nudge their chest with her paws to comfort them,” they said.

But not everyone in the neighborhood was nice to the cat. One day, two kids thought it would be fun to hurt Meow Meow. They threw her into the air by her legs and slammed her onto the ground. They did this a few times and seemed to enjoy it.

The shelter staff were really upset by what happened. They said each time she hit the ground, she was dizzy and couldn’t walk properly. She couldn’t run away fast enough.

When the kids finally stopped, Meow Meow hid under a nearby trailer. Luckily, another kid saw what happened and told his mom. She called the shelter for help.

“We got a call from a neighbor whose son saw what was happening. He wanted to take the cat inside to keep her safe from those kids. They looked after her until we got there,” the shelter workers said.

Back at the shelter, the workers hurried to comfort the hurt cat who was crying in pain. When they checked her, they found out she had a broken leg bone. It was so bad that the vets had to remove the leg to help her.

Luckily, the surgery to remove her leg went well. Soon, Meow Meow started feeling better and was just as sweet and loving as before.

“Even though she went through so much, Meow Meow is doing really well!” the shelter workers wrote on Facebook. They shared a video of her happily kneading with her paws and getting lots of love from the staff and volunteers.

And the good news doesn’t stop there. After she got better, Meow Meow found a new home with a woman who really wanted to give her a loving family.

After hearing about Meow Meow’s sad story on the news, a woman named Emily started following updates about the injured cat on Facebook. Every night, she checked the shelter’s website to see if Meow Meow was ready for adoption. When the day finally came, Emily was one of the first people to meet her. The shelter workers said they clicked right away.

“It was like they were meant for each other!” the shelter workers said happily. They remembered how Meow Meow started purring as soon as Emily touched her. Meow Meow even got into her carrier, ready to go home with Emily. Emily was thrilled to take her home and give her a happy life.

The shelter also told the animal services about the people who hurt Meow Meow and their parents. But they haven’t heard anything about what will happen next. “We hope this makes them learn to be kind to animals,” the Humane Society of Tampa Bay said on Facebook. Let’s hope for the best.



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