Today’s heartwarming tale revolves around a 14-year-old dog named Gertie, whose full name is Gertrude. She embarked on a journey with a very specific goal—to garner 1,000 hugs. Gertie, a mixed-breed, was found in a McDonald’s in Arizona alongside her best pal, Pablo, a Chihuahua. Through Facebook, Kate Goodhart, bearing a significant last name, adopted them both. Despite a successful Facebook campaign, their advanced age left them unadopted for quite some time. However, Kate, unable to resist their charm, chose to adopt them after seeing their images on social media.
Unfortunately, older dogs like Gertie are often abandoned as owners opt for younger puppies, leading to the heartbreaking abandonment of their beloved pets on the streets. Anyone who has owned an elderly dog understands their incredible love, wisdom, and experience. Gertie was no exception.
After adoption, Kate took Gertie to the vet, and the examination results unfortunately did not promise a bright future. The vet recommended euthanasia due to Gertie’s illness and age. Despite this advice, Kate was determined to give Gertie a chance, believing in her fighting spirit and intending to create beautiful moments for her until the end of her life. Much to her family’s joy, Gertie perked up after settling in the house, displaying unexpected energy and significantly improved health. It’s amazing how love positively affects a dog.
Following her adoption, Gertie embarked on a unique mission—to collect at least 1,000 hugs before leaving this world. This project aimed to shower the old dog with as much love and joy as possible, a wonderful initiative by her new owner, Kate. The focus was entirely on Gertie and her desires at any given moment. For instance, if Gertie grew tired, the hugging would cease, and she would rest.
In support of this project, a Facebook page was created, showcasing daily photos of Gertie’s happy moments with people ready to share joy. The page allowed followers to witness the outpouring of love and support for Gertie. Her story even caught the attention of local newspapers in Anthem, Arizona. The hope was that Gertie’s story reached enough people, changing awareness about older dogs and encouraging adoption.
Regrettably, Gertie left us in 2016. Below, you can watch her last video recorded before her passing. This project primarily aimed to raise awareness about older dogs and dogs in general—highlighting their importance in our families and emphasizing that they deserve the same unconditional love they give to us. While Gertie may not have been a public figure, she spent enough time spreading love and joy to everyone she encountered, both in person and through social networks and other media.