Heartwarming: A man comforts a scared 96-year-old person.

The person sitting next to the scared 96-year-old grandma on the plane was like an angel. Megan Ashley, another passenger, saw what happened and shared a video on Facebook. They were on a Southwest flight from San Diego to Nashville.

The grandma hadn’t flown in 15 years and was really scared. When the plane started shaking, she asked the man sitting next to her to hold her hand until we took off. She also gave him a big hug when there was turbulence.

The man was really nice and caring throughout the whole journey and even after. Megan Ashley explained why he did it:

To explain it better, this man willingly held the grandma’s hand, let her hold onto him, talked to her, and made her feel better by explaining everything that was happening, even though he was a stranger to her. He knew exactly how to help her throughout the whole flight. He carefully watched over her as she walked down the aisle and helped her get up to use the restroom. Seeing him comfort her made me smile the whole time. He helped her get off the plane, carried her suitcase, helped her into a wheelchair, and stayed with her until she found her daughter. What a kind gesture. I hope I can help someone like that someday.

To show that not all news is bad, I’ve shared two inspiring stories today. There are many stories about flight attendants and passengers being kind and caring, which balances out the stories about drunk flight attendants or rude passengers. Hearing these heartwarming stories makes my day better. I hope it brightens your day too!

Please tell others about this touching story if it touched you, and let’s all try to spread a little more kindness.

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