Ally Langdon from Australia felt really sad when she talked to a mom and dad. They had to make a very hard choice to end the life of their young daughter who was only 13 years old. The girl passed away because of something called chroming, which is a dangerous trend. Langdon, who is also a mom, found it difficult to stop herself from crying while talking about it.
Andrea and Paul Haynes went on a TV show called A Current Affair with Ally Langdon as the host. They talked about what happened to their daughter Esra Haynes. She was only 13 when she passed away because of a social media trend called chroming. Chroming is when people breathe in dangerous chemicals to feel high.
Esra was a young athlete who co-captained the Montrose Football Netball Club. They described her as determined, fun, cheeky, and talented. She loved racing BMX bikes with her brothers and even led her team to win a national aerobics championship in Queensland.
On March 31, Esra went to her friend’s house for a sleepover. She sniffed a can of aerosol deodorant, hoping to feel high. But it ended up causing her heart to stop and damaging her brain badly. Her mom Andrea said in the interview with Langdon that it was just a regular thing for Esra to hang out with her friends. Her dad Paul added that they always knew where she was and who she was with. It didn’t seem unusual. But then they got a call late at night telling them to come and get their daughter. It was the worst call any parent could get.
Langdon explains that Esra’s friends thought she was having a panic attack. But actually, after sniffing deodorant, her body started shutting down, and she went into cardiac arrest. Nobody at the sleepover knew what to do for cardiac arrest.
When Andrea got to Esra, paramedics were trying to help her. They told Andrea that Esra had been chroming, something Andrea didn’t know about until then.
Esra was taken to the hospital, and her family hoped she would get better. They thought maybe because her heart and lungs were strong, she might recover.
After eight days on life support, Paul and Andrea got some very sad news. Doctors told them that Esra’s brain was so badly damaged that it couldn’t get better. They had to make the tough decision to turn off the machines keeping her alive.
Paul and Andrea found it really hard to talk about what happened. They had to go through the worst day of their lives again, explaining how difficult it was to end their daughter’s life.
A teenage girl from Victoria tragically died because of chroming. Her siblings are heartbroken, and now they want to stop this from happening to anyone else.
Esra Haynes, a teenager from Don Valley, had a cardiac arrest after breathing in deodorant.
Her family and friends were asked to come to the hospital to say goodbye. Esra’s dad said it was really hard to do that for such a young person. They were able to lie down with her and cuddle her until the very end.
Langdon, who has two young kids herself, couldn’t hold back her tears when she saw how much pain Esra’s parents were in.
Paul, Esra’s dad, says their family feels completely shattered after Esra’s death in early April. Her siblings, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie, are also really sad.
Paul explained how devastating it was for everyone, including Esra’s friends. He said it’s been incredibly tough, and they haven’t been able to sleep or eat properly. They’re not feeling like themselves, and it’s not just affecting them; the whole community is feeling the pain too.
Paul and his wife had never heard of chroming until it took their daughter’s life. Now, they are determined to make people aware of this dangerous trend. Chroming is easy to do because teens can use things like deodorant, paint, hairspray, or permanent markers that are easily available in stores. They want to warn others about the risks.
Paul talked to a local news station. He said he wishes he knew about chroming before Esra died so he could have warned her about how dangerous it is. He said if they knew about it, they would have definitely talked about it at home.
He believes it’s important for kids to learn about these things firsthand, not from friends or social media. He thinks they should get the right information straight away.
Paul wants to teach parents about chroming so they can talk to their kids about it and hopefully prevent any tragedies. He thinks parents should start by gently talking to their children about it. He admits they didn’t know what was happening with Esra.
Chroming has been causing the deaths of many children in Australia and other countries since 2009.
Chroming is really dangerous. It can cause seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, sudden death from sniffing, coma, and organ failure. But young people might be drawn to it because it gives a quick high.
Paul told Langdon that they have terrible memories that will never go away. Seeing Esra like that was incredibly painful for them. It felt like their insides were being torn apart.
Share this story with everyone you know and help parents save the lives of their children by educating them on the dangers of this fatal trend.