Service Dog Earns Honorary Degree for Supporting Owner Through Grad School

Service dogs play a crucial role as steadfast companions for individuals in need, offering not only medical and emotional assistance but also unparalleled loyalty. Recognizing the extraordinary bond between a service dog and his owner, a university decided to bestow a significant honor upon him.

Brittany Hawley, hailing from Wilson, North Carolina, relies on a wheelchair and battles complex regional pain syndrome. Identified as an ideal candidate for a service dog, she received one through the paws4prisons program a few years ago.

Upon meeting a dog named Griffin, Brittany knew he was the perfect match: “Some dogs were scared of the wheelchair,” Brittany told AP. “Griffin jumped right into my lap and licked me across the face.”

Griffin entered Brittany’s life just as she embarked on an exciting journey: pursuing a master’s degree in occupational therapy at Clarkson University.

Proving his worth, Griffin accompanied Brittany to all her classes, aiding her by performing tasks such as opening doors and fetching supplies. Moreover, he provided comfort during periods of anxiety and depression.

“I felt more independent, I was more social, I felt more outgoing with him,” Brittany shared with CBS News. Brittany and Griffin thrived at Clarkson, and when Brittany was ready to graduate in late 2018, she knew she couldn’t have done it without her service dog.

“We moved to New York together, we started school together and we finished together,” Brittany said. She didn’t just want Griffin by her side; she wanted him to have his own degree.

“I pushed from day one, when I graduate, I want Griffin to graduate with me.”

Remarkably, the university agreed, and Griffin walked across the stage to accept his own honorary degree for “extraordinary contributions to student success.”

“The Board of Trustees recognized that Griffin has demonstrated extraordinary effort, steadfast commitment, and diligent dedication to the wellbeing and student success of his owner Brittany,” read Clarkson’s statement.

“The two have pursued 100% together a graduate degree in Occupational Therapy, attending all the same classes, lectures, faculty appointments … fully making Griffin an equal member of the Clarkson Golden Knights family.”

Post-graduation, Brittany continued her journey to become an occupational therapist, aiming to work with veterans and military personnel. Griffin, her loyal service dog, will be right by her side every step of the way.

What a fitting honor for this devoted service dog! He undeniably earned that degree, showcasing the remarkable impact service dogs can have. Share this inspiring story!

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