In early 2018, a woman named Alana Hadley adopted a kitten named Ares from a local animal shelter in Door County, Wisconsin. However, from the beginning, something seemed off. No matter how much Alana tried to comfort him, Ares would meow all day until he fell asleep at night. Eventually, Alana had a hunch about what her furry friend was trying to communicate to her.
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Alana is a photographer who lives in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, with her partner Nathan. They are expecting a baby. But back in January 2018, they decided they wanted to add a new member to their family early. They already had a dog named Sisko and wanted a cat too. So, they went to the Wisconsin Humane Society Door County Campus rescue center to find one.
There, they met Ares, a cute four-month-old ginger kitten who was brought to the shelter with his sister Aphrodite. Alana fell in love with both kittens but could only take Ares because Aphrodite had already been adopted. Even though she couldn’t take both, Alana was really happy with her new kitten.