Worst things about cats?

This question is not easy to answer – because everyone knows that cats are the only “perfect” creatures.

Let’s see:

Cats leave you alone when you’re wrapping or unwrapping gifts. They don’t get in the middle of it. Never.

Cats never try to open the pantry and steal your entire paper towel roll and kill it. Just never.

Not even interested in your box of Kleenex. Nah, not at all.

Cats leave your plants alone. No, they don’t play with it either. Never.

You can guarantee that you can go check who’s knocking at your door and leave your kitchen for a short while and nothing bad will happen. Nothing. Everything will be where you left them.

Cats know when you just cleaned the place and will support you in maintaining it. They don’t scatter their toys, Nah.

They also don’t lose their toys within 30 seconds of handing them the toys.

Cats are considerate. They don’t get in the middle of your stuff especially when you’re in the middle of using them. Never.

So, to answer this question is really difficult. Cats are flawless monste…creatures. Goodness, creatures.

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